Facial Treatments
Entrust your skin to good hands
At our Venus Beauty treatments Centre at the Hotel Carlo Magno, we offer the entire range of facial treatments: from energising and revitalising masks which make skin immediately young and firm, to treatments for skin which is greasy or dry, blackheads, and hyper-pigmentation.
Our staff, who are specialised and up to date as regards the latest beauty techniques, will be able to advise you on the best products and personalised treatments to meet your requirements.
Trattamento Viso Personalizzato
€ 30,00
Massaggio + Décolleté
€ 30,00
Massaggio Cuoio Capelluto + Viso
€ 25,00
Maschera Specifica + Massaggio
€ 28,00
Maschera di fango esfoliante a base di acqua termale
€ 22,00
Pulizia viso
€ 38,00
Peeling viso
€ 20,00
Massaggio Connettivale Viso
€ 20,00
Linfodrenaggio Viso
€ 25,00