Ischia Hotel 4 stelle Carlo Magno                       var _iub=_iub||[];_iub.csConfiguration={"lang":"en","siteId":1336596,"cookiePolicyInOtherWindow":true,"cookiePolicyUrl":"./cookie-policy","cookiePolicyId":36408697};  _iub.cons.init({api_key:"BKdzOkAzgMKXQEemTAL77AIe5dWvXICI"});  (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','ga');ga('create','UA-9720392-1','');ga('send','pageview');            +39 081 900098 Map                                                Un albergo panoramico dai colori mediterranei, immerso nel cuore verde di Ischia: l'assolata Forio        Hotel  The Hotel Pools Restaurants    Rooms   Beauty  Venus Beauty Center Treatments Packages Gym Solarium    Where We Are  Where We Are How to Reach Us Places near us Transfers Ship Booking    Offers  All offers    Gallery  Photogallery Videogallery    Rates   Booking   Contact Us   Blog        Homepage Hotel Beauty Where We Are Offers Gallery Rates Booking Contact Us Blog               Home   Hotel   Pools  Panoramic Mineral pool with Hydro-massage Print the page                 Apri Gallery Chiudi Gallery   $(document).ready(function(){$('#pageslide').bxSlider({minSlides:1,maxSlides:1,auto:false,controls:true,pager:true,pause:4000});$('#pageslide').css({marginTop:'-250px'});});  Panoramic Mineral pool with Hydro-massage What could be more relaxing than bathing in a swimming pool while admiring the panorama?  What could be more relaxing than bathing in a swimming pool while admiring the panorama?

  What could be more inviting than to bask in hot water while a thousand bubbles take care of the beauty of your skin and of your legs, and make you feel like a lord?

  One of the Hotel Carlo Magno’s three swimming pools is the panoramic mineral pool with hydro-massage. In this large pool, you will find the magical hydro-massage water jets which are really hard to live without!

  And to remind you that you are in the most beautiful place in the world, we have realised things in such a way that this pool offers, as it were, a front row seat from which to contemplate water, sky and land and witness the technicolor spectacle of the sun setting in the sea of Forio.

    Pools   Panoramic Mineral pool with Hydro-massage   External Mineral Pool for Children   Internal Mineral pool with Hydro-massage     Tweet     go to top            © 2020 Hotel Carlo Magnoall rights reservedP. IVA 06208380631  Via Baiola, 215 - 80075 Forio - Isola d'Ischia (NA) Italia   Phone +39 081 900098  Fax +39 081 900114 

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